Sunday, 27 February 2011


And I did it!

A child-hood dream fulfilled - ever since Dad pointed to the horizon in Belfast one clear winter's night and introduced me to the magic of the Aurora - a captivating flicker in the distance. He knew he would never see it overhead, but he urged me to follow the lights. I did, and I found them, and they were enchanting.

It was a close call - after 2 nights of complete cloud cover and 1 night of sheer exhaustion which resulted in us sleeping through the display, she finally came out to play. And boy, was it worth the tension and anticipation. She (for the Aurora is indeed a 'she') performed magnificently for us on our last night in the Arctic - dancing not only the gentle and elegant waltz she is most famous for, but also the salsa, the jive and the flamenco. Ribbons of multi-coloured light chased across the sky, and curtains fluttered as if fanned by a gentle breeze. It was awe-inspiring,and humbling - it made me feel tiny and insignificant in the face of our magnificent universe and the force of Nature.

She is all the more special because she is whimsical and elusive. No-one can predict her behaviour. Indeed on that particular night, the forecast was for low activity. Perhaps she saw the gloominess in my soul and took pity on me! Or perhaps she just likes to prove the 'experts' wrong, and to show that she is in control.

I don't believe in God, but it did make me wonder, and I did offer up a little prayer of thanks to Whoever for allowing me to witness the greatest show on earth. To share it with the people I love most was an extra privilege.

Tips for Aurora spotters:

Be patient - no amount of wishing it will make it happen. I should know!

Lower your expectations - a flicker of green between the clouds is still the Aurora

Wear hat, gloves and scarf - in fact, wear 10 of each. It is bitterly cold and your nose is likely to drop off with frost-bite

Don't point a light or wave a flag at the aurora - according to Saami tradition, the lights will come down and take you. Doesn't sound so bad....

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