Sunday, 31 July 2011

Challenge 30 - CREATE A MOSAIC

On the psychiatrist's couch.......

"Help me, help me, doctor.   Why do I feel compelled to take something perfect (and often expensive) and smash it with a hammer into millions of pieces, and then spend an obscene amount of time trying to put it back together again?  Is it normal to feel an overwhelming rush of adrenalin when you find the perfect piece for a specific hole?  I confess that I have been doing the same with fabric and scissors for years, but now I have moved on to tiles and crockery.  Nothing is safe in my world any more - cups, plates, mirrors are all at risk from my hammer and my creative urges.  Does this stem from my childhood?  Have I been disproportionally damaged by losing a piece of a jigsaw when I was young?  Or is it a dysfunctional personality trait revealing a scrambled mind searching for order?  Or am I a Roman from a previous life?

What should I do, doctor?

a)  Should I walk away from the hammer?

b)  Should I redirect my creative urges into something without a destructive element?

c)  Should I get a life?

d)  Or should I embrace my new obsession and mosaic everything that stands still long enough?"

Doctor says (d) - hurray!  Message to family - don't expect any housework to be done again, and keep moving!

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