Sunday, 31 July 2011

Challenge 31 - DO AN ART COURSE

Je ne regrette rien........except not taking on this challenge about 30 years ago before my eyesight started to fail and my hand to shake.  I have yearned to paint for all of my life, and yet always come up with a plethora of excuses to prevent me putting brush to canvas.  Not any more.  Thanks to the generosity of my brother and sister-in-law, I took myself off for a day of botanical painting under the tutelage of the extremely talented Siriol Sherlock and in the company of my lovely friend Ann.  We were the novices of the group - Ann didn't know one end of a paintbrush from the other, and I didn't know a daisy from a dandelion!  What we lacked in experience, expertise, skill, talent, we more than made up for in enthusiasm, perseverence and good humour!  Siriol made it look so easy - it wasn't!  With a few flourishes and flicks of the wrist, she created a masterpiece, and we produced something that wouldn't look out of place on the wall of my Year 1 classroom.  After six hours we headed home with a portfolio of paintings, inspiration and pride.

I'm off now to my garret, dressed in a smock, in search of creative genius.  It's never too late - non, je ne regrette rien!

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