Monday, 24 January 2011

Challenge 4 - EAT HAGGIS

I love food and have never refused to eat anything offered to me, so it made finding something that I had not tried before quite difficult.  Vegetarians look away now, but so far in my gastronomic life I have eaten - and enjoyed - bugs in the jungle, whole little birds complete with feathers in France, bulls balls and brains (separately) in Spain, as well as many unrecognisables around the world.  What could I find to challenge my taste-buds on the south coast of England?

Haggis was the answer  Despite practically being able to see Scotland from my childhood home, I had never sampled the delights of the 'wee beastie'.  So, with good company and a thirst for whisky, I took myself along to a Burns Evening in a fabulously posh establishment, and consumed my first Haggis - surrounded by lots of men in skirts and a few in what can only be described as pyjama trousers.  Delicious.  Haggis and I are friends for life.  Whisky and I are even better friends - Dad would be proud!

To my vegetarian friends, I apologise for the carnivorous content - one of my future challenges is to be meat-free for a month, so your revenge awaits.


  1. Hi (look I'm blogging!)You've obviously never sampled one of Georgia's gourmet nights! Looking forward to number 5! Sarahx

  2. I can recommend vegetarian haggis for your meat-free month. It's really delicious!
